Organization Profile
1. Research and Analysis
2. Public Advocacy
3. Policy Advocacy
4. Engagement with Goverment
5. Clients
Organization Profile
Established: June 2011
Legal status: Specified non-profit corporation (since November 2015)
Board of Directors: (please see below)
Shoji Araki, Certified Public Tax Accountant
Sumiko Yazawa, Professor Emeritus, Tokyo Women's University
Nami Otsuki, Professor, University of the Sacred Heart
Yumiko Tanaka, Professor, Josai International University, Representative of Japan to UN Commission on the Status of Women
Kazuma Osaki, Senior Policy Analyst (Japan), UN Principles for Responsible Investment
Renge Jibu, Associate Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Board of Directors

Yoriko Meguro
Executive Director
Professor Emeritus, Sophia University
Recognized scholar of gender and sociology. Extensive work in influencing gender policies in Japan. Former Japan's Representative to UN Commission on the Status of Women (1997-2010); Prime Minister’s Award for Outstanding Contribution for Promoting Gender Equality for the decade of 1996-2005

Asako Osaki
Visiting Professor, Kwansei Gakuin University
Recognized gender expert with over 25 years of professional experience at global, national and local levels. Proven track-record in policy and strategy development, research and analysis, evaluation, programme management, and advocacy.

Mariko Saito
Consultant, UNDP
Gender expert with over 20 years of professional experience at global, regional (Asia) and national levels. Proven track-record in programme building, management and coordination, knowledge exchange, and training. Excellent donor relation skills.

Michiko Tadamatsu
CEO, Think Impacts, Inc.
Founder, 30% Club Japan
Diversity management expert with strong expertise in management strategy, corporate governance, operation reform, M&A and developing multi-sectoral platforms for social impacts.
Our Purpose:
Achieving gender equality and empowerment of all women and girls
Our Mission:
Transforming Japan’s legislation, policies and practices by mainstreaming global norms and standards on gender equality
Playing a catalytic role to connect Japan and the global community
Our Strategies:
1. Research and Analysis: to produce knowledge and evidence-based policy recommendations
2. Public Advocacy: to raise awareness and mobilize interest on critical gender issues
3. Policy Advocacy: to create strategic alliances across public, private, and civil sectors to drive policy change
4. Engagement with government: to effectively influence policy-making processes